
If I was hired by Baruch College to use new media to improve the college, I would make some suggestions such as providing better communications system and a better mobile view with school websites. I would first provide a better communications system by have a 24/7 automated response regarding the frequently asked questions that can be easily solved so we would not lose the time to try to reach to a representative. For the questions that may need further assistance then are proceeded to an online chat. Usually by online chatting most probably would have been solved, if not, then they can make an appointment to meet in person.
The second thing that I would improve is that mobile device’s view of the school website, whether it is the home page or blackboard. These websites seem to not fit the mobile devices size and it is difficult to navigate the web with the unfitted screen.


  1. I agree that the school websites and associated links never fit our mobile device screen so improving that would be less frustrating for many of us. Having better communication within the school is always a plus and new media could definitely contribute in making that happen change happen.

  2. Hi Angela! I agree with you that the college needs to fix their communications systems. Students at Baruch are at a disadvantage because it is so hard to get in contact with someone to discuss financial aid, class schedules and anything that a student should have easy access to. I also agree that Blackboard should be revamped for mobile users especially since they haven't done so yet.
