With the emergence of new media, people are able to express their creativities to the rest of the world via platforms like YouTube, and other people can put in their thoughts and potentially create something better. Whether it is imitating a character or creating a piece of art through a time lapse. There are many forms of creativity. An example can be a mash-up where people edit videos with snippets of animated movies and TV shows. This would usually cause copyright problems with the originating companies, but it has become a way, people create things and it became part of the mainstream. “Our audiences can creatively mash video from our content as much and as often as they like,” said Dan Martinsen, a Nickelodeon spokesman. “By the way,” he added, “that was a very nice edit job by whoever did the SpongeBob mash.” It has become acceptable for people to use it as a form of creativity. Along with the new media, people are able to show their creative piece of work to the rest of the world.
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